In the 1990s, digital systems moved into the Gigahertz realm, accompanied by significant technological challenges, including how to test such systems accurately and economically. Today, the challenge is 100-1000x greater, with individual signal rates of ~100 Gb/s and aggregate rates above 1 Tb/s. At these speeds, time measurement resolution and accuracy must be maintained to tens or hundreds of femto-seconds while bit-error-rate (BER) is measured in parts-per-trillion (10-12).
This presentation will describe some “high-speed” testing methods that were developed during the past 30 years that met advanced testing requirements, even as the definition of “high-speed” has evolved from Gigahertz to Terahertz. Dr. Keezer will describe his first-hand experiences as well as outline some prospects for meeting the needs of future terahertz systems.
Speaker bio:
Dr. David Keezer is a Chair Professor at EIT Institute for Advanced Studies in Ningbo China and Professor emeritus at Georgia Institute of Technology in USA. He is an IEEE Fellow (since 2010), specializing in the design and test of ultra-high speed multi-GHz electronic systems. He is mainly engaged in research in the field of electronics design and testing methods for high-speed (GHz-THz) digital ICs and systems, with emphasis on accurate timing control in the picosecond and femtosecond range. His expertise is also in IC advanced packaging, including micro-BGA, chiplets, laser-programming of ultra-large-scale ICs, and test methods for known-good-die (KGD).
For 40 years, Dr. Keezer has relentlessly pushed the advancement of electrical testing technology, emphasizing the development of techniques for multi-GHz logic systems. He has been a pioneer in extending the capabilities of automated test equipment (ATE) up to 10X their original performance level using intelligent load-board electronics, with improved accuracy, and at low-cost.
Prof. Keezer has also provided extensive service to the electronics profession through his participation at IEEE workshops, symposia, and conferences. These notably include: (1) over 10 years continuous service on the ITC Program Committee, (2) continuing service on the Intl Mixed Signal Test Workshop (IMSTW), (3) several years leading the Gigahertz Test Workshop (GTW) as Technical or General Chair, and (4) services as an author, reviewer, session chair, program committee member on numerous other IEEE-sponsored workshops and conferences. In recognition for these efforts, Prof. Keezer has received several honors, including the IEEE Computer Society “Golden Core” award.