It is hard to say an algorithm is elegant, however, an algorithm that understands music may be considered elegant. The seminar introduces the development and challenges of computer music technicals with a focus on machine listening, which attempts to understand the content of music including but not limited to music generation and synthesis, objective performance evaluation and music therapy. Towards perception and creation intelligence from computation intelligence, the speaker discusses the application of music perception and recognition and proposes the potential solution of existing challenges besides traditional music information retrieval tasks.
Shengchen Li obtained his Ph.D. degree in the year 2016 from Queen Mary University of London. He worked on computational musicology with a focus on music perception and recognition. After his graduation, he worked in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) as a lecturer and extended his research area to acoustic signal processing. Shengchen is a steering committee member of Conference on Sound and Music Technology (CSMT) and a technical committee member of Speech Dialogue and Auditory Processing, China Computer Federation. His fellow students have participated in the IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classification on Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE), which are named among the top-ranked teams for various tasks.