Date: Apr 23, 2021

Time: 14:00 - 15:00

Location: IB 2028

DSRC Seminar | Intelligent Economics: An Explainable AI Approach

Industry 4.0 revolution empowers Data Science for interdisciplinary research. However, there is currently no consensus in how Data Science can contribute to answering fundamental Economic questions. We first elaborate Explainable AI as a promising approach where Data Science and Economics can meet. Then, in spirits of Explainable AI, we illustrate three interdisciplinary research by methods of simulating, analyzing, and experimenting. Our research relates to behavioral science, sustainability, fintech and beyond. The presentation is intended for general audience.

Luyao (Sunshine) Zhang is Assistant Professor of Economics and Senior Research Scientist at Data Science Research Center at Duke Kunshan University. She is also the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Computational Social System. She has an abiding passion for interdisciplinary collaborations, especially related to Behavioral Science (Game Theory and Mechanism Design), Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning), Fintech (Cryptocurrency and Blockchain), and Interdisciplinary Big Data. Her research appears in economic journals for general interest and beyond including American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the World Economy, Remote Sensing, Journal of Digital Earth, Data and Information Management, etc.