
Admin Staff

XU, Danyi

Coordinator for Institute of Applied Physical Sciences and Engineering, Duke Kunshan University

ZHOU, Yingzhe

Coordinator for Grant Management, Duke Kunshan University

Research Staff


DOU, Zhihao

Research Fellow in Machine Learning, Duke Kunshan University

JIANG, Chenru, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Machine Learning, Duke Kunshan University

LIU, Dong

Research Fellow in Computer Engineering, Duke Kunshan University

QUAN, Yuedong

Research Fellow in Data Science, Duke Kunshan University

XIE, Yixiang

Research Fellow in Biomedical Data Acquisition and Annotation

WANG, Haixin

Research Specialist in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke Kunshan University

WEI, Chia-Jen

Principal Research Specialist in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke Kunshan University

YANG, Guanyu, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Machine Learning, Duke Kunshan University

YUAN, Yuan

Research Specialist in Data Science, Duke Kunshan University

ZHAO, Shuo, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist on Data Analytics, Duke Kunshan University


CHENG, MingIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
DAI, ChuyiResearch Intern for Data Science Research Center
DENG, XuResearch Assistant (Intern) for Computing Offloading
GUO, JingweiResearch Intern for Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition
JIN, ZhanIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
LI, CancanResearch Intern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
LI, LiIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
Li, MingxiResearch Intern of Federated Learning
LI, WeiboResearch Intern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
LI, ZeIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
LIN, MengResearch Intern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
LIN, YukeIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
LIU, WenxingIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
LIU, YangResearch Assistant (Intern) for Anomaly Detection
PAN, YueranIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
QIAN, LangResearch Assistant (Intern) for Traffic Management System
SHAO, JiaqiResearch Intern of Federated Learning
SUN, ZijunResearch Intern of Federated Learning
WANG, HaoxuIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
WANG, KangyueIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
WANG, YikangIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
WANG, ZepuResearch Assistant (Intern) for Traffic Flow Prediction
WANG, ZhenyuanSpeech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing Technician
WU, KunStudent Intern on Deep Learning
WU, ZhuojunResearch Intern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
YANG, ChaolongResearch Intern for Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition
YANG, KunResearch Assistant (Intern) for Collaborative Sensing
YANG, YifeiResearch Intern in Data Science
YU, ChengyanIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
ZENG, BangResearch Intern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
ZHANG, ChiResearch Intern for Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition
ZHANG, HongyuIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing
ZHANG, YifanIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
ZHANG, YucongIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab
ZHAO, WeiguangResearch Intern for Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition
ZHOU, HualiIntern for Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing

*All names are arranged in alphabetical order.


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